Saturday, December 17, 2011

What is a control group And scincetific Method?

I NEED to know what it is for my homework so PLEASE help me!!!!!!!|||the control group is the group in which a variable (the one being tested) is not manipulated. it is the group where you usually know what happens. for instance:

you have two cats that eat the same food and are the same breed age and gender. you buy new food for one and keep other on the same old food. the cat on the old food is the control.|||A group that is treated exactly the same as the experimental group. A scientific method refers to a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, aquireing new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.|||control group is when you do and experiment during the scientific method, two groups one called the CONTROL group does the experiment regular while the other group adds anything to it.|||7th grade math homework, am i right.

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