Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is the control group in this experiment?

Hypothesis: Most people will commit a crime if opportunity present.

What kind of experiment can i do in a "control group"???|||This question is not operationally defined well enough to determine what the control group would be. You are asking us to design the experiment for you, not tell you what the control group is.In your question, there is no comparison between groups and no control group exists.

One thing that you can do is to frame your question in such a way that you are testing the propensity to commit a crime based on the likelihood that a person would get caught. For example, you could set up a situation where people think they will get caught and people aren't warned that they could get caught. For example, in one situation a video camera is clearly visible and people are warned that they are videotaped. The control group is one where they are videotaped, but it is not obvious or even seen and they are not warned. Thus, you have a situation where people think they are likely to get caught vs. one in which they feel free to do as they please. Make it in a store where money is made available, but people walk off and leave the money and people could either take it or leave it until the people return.

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